Every year Bob Parks Realty, LLC of middle Tennessee hosts "Christmas for the Children." Children identified by school counselors as needing some extra attention during the holidays are invited because otherwise many would not have Christmas at all. The Smyrna office has been unable to meet its fundraising goal in 2006, so Christmas may be cancelled. As a result, bloggers throughout the world are stepping up to help. Read all about it here and how you can help.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Just one day before Thanksgiving, I'm writing about Christmas! We have received approximatley 100 names of children in Smyrna and LaVergne who are benefiting from our "Skate for the Children" and other fundraising efforts throughout the year to support the "Christmas for the Children" program.

I have picked up my family list - EIGHT children to buy for. We usually don't open it up for people other than agents to buy the gifts, but because the blogging community was so helpful I would like to invite your help. I plan to go shopping for the children on Sunday, December 3rd at KMart on Murfreesboro Rd. in Smyrna at 1:30 p.m. If you would like to help, please let me know.

If enough people are interested in helping, I may be able to get more names so you'll need to let me know if you want to be involved in this. After we buy the presents, we'll go back to my office and wrap them. Each child will get one complete outfit plus a toy. KMart is giving us a 10% discount and we are tax-exempt, so the children should be able to have a nice Christmas.

The kids I have so far:
FIVE GIRLS: Ages 12, 6, 13, 3, 2
THREE BOYS: Ages 11, 8, 9months

I will call their Mom before December 3rd to get their sizes and to hear what the kids need and/or want for a gift.

wrapped by Kathy T. at 9:07 AM |

0 Gifts under the tree: