Every year Bob Parks Realty, LLC of middle Tennessee hosts "Christmas for the Children." Children identified by school counselors as needing some extra attention during the holidays are invited because otherwise many would not have Christmas at all. The Smyrna office has been unable to meet its fundraising goal in 2006, so Christmas may be cancelled. As a result, bloggers throughout the world are stepping up to help. Read all about it here and how you can help.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! There are a lot of people who lined up to give us a hand before the actual shopping day today and your hard work is greatly appreciated. But this one is for those who helped out today! We shopped for the eight children my office gave me to buy for and then wrapped all the presents.

My sweet 16-year old and sweet 11-year old. You girls did a great job!
Cheyanne and her Mom and brother. I love you!
Bad Bad Ivy who bought for two girls, ages 2 and 3. The presents are perfect!
Jillian and Brittney, two friends from girl scouts. Yay you!

All of the above, plus the divine M. and her three awesome kiddos! The boy was marvelous in making sure every gift had a ribbon on it! And your girls CAN TOO wrap! haha!

Thanks to all of you. I'm sore today from my fall and would have been miserable without all your generous time and help!
wrapped by Kathy T. at 5:14 PM | 0 Gifts under the tree